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Posts with category Environment

ADRIAN Hoteles participates in a beach clean-up in the municipality of Arona.

By | 12 June, 2024 | 0 comments

Seabirds, such as Cory’s shearwaters, are threatened by the pollution of our coasts, which eventually ends up in the sea, affecting their habitat and survival. Aware of this problem, on 4 June we took part in a beach cleaning initiative in the municipality of Arona, together with Excelencia Turística and El Primer Viaje. Read full article

ADRIAN Hoteles and Effiwaste join forces for a more sustainable future.

By | 1 April, 2024 | 0 comments

In our effort to lead the change towards a more sustainable tourism, ADRIAN Hoteles has joined forces in a pioneering project that will make a difference, starting with our hotel Jardines de Nivaria. This project combines innovative technology, environmental commitment and strategic collaboration, paving the way for a greener future in the hotel industry. Read full article

Jardines de Nivaria becomes the first hotel in Tenerife to join ACET.

By | 21 February, 2024 | 0 comments

At ADRIAN Hoteles, we are always in constant search of excellence in service and personalised attention to our guests. That is why our hotel Jardines de Nivaria has become the first hotel to join the Association of Coeliacs and Gluten Sensitive People of the Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (ACET). Read full article

Cory’s shearwaters’ “First Voyage” 2023 begins

By | 31 October, 2023 | 0 comments


Last year ADRIAN Hoteles joined “El primer viaje” a Canarian organisation with an initiative for the protection of the Cory’s shearwater and other seabirds of the Canary Islands.


The time has come, from the end of this month until almost the middle of November, the Cory’s shearwater chicks leave their nests for the high seas, Read full article

ADRIAN Hoteles helps Oxford students to complete their fieldwork

By | 19 July, 2023 | 0 comments


A few weeks ago we received the visit of graduate students from Oxford University to our hotel Jardines de Nivaria. They are carrying out fieldwork on energy, food waste and certifications in collaboration with EasyJet Holidays.


With this study they are trying to understand how EasyJet Holidays could better support Tenerife hotels to advance sustainability initiatives and address the issue of food waste. Read full article

ADRIAN Hoteles joins the UN Global Compact

By | 5 June, 2023 | 0 comments

The Global Compact is the initiative by the United Nations (UN) to promote sustainable development and corporate social responsibility and aims to work towards sustainable development by committing to the 10 principles it promotes and working in alignment with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This membership means that ADRIAN Hoteles is committed to aligning its operations with the strategy and universal benchmark practices. Read full article

ADRIAN Hoteles visits the Tenerife Wildlife Recovery Centre “La Tahonilla”.

By | 24 May, 2023 | 0 comments


As part of the initiatives that make up the environmental and social commitment of ADRIAN Hotels, last week our quality and environment department visited the Tenerife Wildlife Recovery Centre “La Tahonilla”.


This centre attends to injured, injured or sick animals, which are collected by the population, with the fundamental objective of recovering them for their re-release into the natural environment, Read full article

ADRIAN Hotels Jardines de Nivaria joins the Circular Tourist Communities (CTC) project

By | 10 March, 2023 | 0 comments


Our hotel Jardines de Nivaria joins the initiative to compost the food waste we produce. There are already 12 hotel establishments in the south of Tenerife that carry out this activity.


This project, promoted by Ashotel and the Association of Farmers and Stockbreeders Asaga, Read full article

ADRIAN Hotels joins the Cory’s shearwater bird protection campaign of “El Primer Viaje”

By | 25 October, 2022 | 0 comments

ADRIAN Hotels has joined “El Primer Viaje”, a Canarian organisation with an initiative for the protection of the Cory’s shearwater and other seabirds of the Canary Islands.

Our compromise and responsibility for sustainability has already led us to act in fields such as the reduction of atmospheric emissions, the reduction of waste and the consumption of water and chemical products, Read full article

ADRIAN Hotels renew ISO and EMAS certifications.

By | 7 July, 2022 | 0 comments

Once again, and for the 8th year running, we have complied with the requirements of the UNE EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and EMAS standards (Environmental Management and Audit Communication Systems).

Thanks to the implementation of this system (ISO 14001:2015 standard), the management of resources and waste is being optimised and possible direct and indirect environmental impacts are being reduced. Read full article

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